MY SHEEP HEAR MY VOICE #2 – John 10vs27

A sheep is said to be a gentle animal that follows the guide of the shepherd. The sheep yield to every teaching and instruction of the master. We Christians are like sheep to Jesus Christ and as sheep, we must be submissive to the authority of our master, the shepherd, Jesus Christ – John 10vs27; “My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. Sheep are not meant to act contrary to their shepherd’s instructions. A sign of you knowing your sheep is that; they will listen to you and follow you. For one to truly know if you are a good sheep, that means you need to obey the teachings and every instruction of Jesus Christ and never to act contrary.
Many of us called ourselves Christians, but we don’t listen to the Voice of Jesus Christ neither do we follow His commands and instructions. It simply means we are not His sheep. If you are not submissive to Jesus Christ’s teachings, you are not Jesus Christ’s sheep, because you don’t listen to Him.
Jesus Christ always watch over the sheep that listen to Him. He said He will not let them perish or be snatched away from His Hands – John 10vs28; “I give them eternal life, and they will never perish; no one will snatch them from my hand”. If you are a sheep, you will hear the voice of your shepherd and even when you get lost, your shepherd will look for you, because you always hear your master’s voice as you don’t disobey.
What kind of sheep are you? Are you a sheep who doesn’t want to be cautioned, corrected or obey instructions given by your Shepherd, Jesus Christ? It is better you make a change and be humble, submissive, obedient to Jesus Christ, so that He will put you right. It does not matter who you are; pastor, prophet, evangelist and so on, if you fail to live according to the guardian of Jesus Christ, you are definitely like a sheep that does not belong to Him. Not until you start to act and live according to His word, before you’ll be counted as one of His sheep. Whose sheep are you and whose voice do you obey? The sheep of Jesus Christ listen to Him and follow Him. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
Comfort Nkechiyere Okpaga (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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