In a world as deprave as ours, one may begin to think that it is impossible to live according to God’s standards and survive in this world due to how wayward and corrupt the system of this world is. Many people now think it is impossible for anyone to live a holy life in this era, that is not true! You can achieve anything you want including a holy lifestyle despite the conditions of the economy, circumstances around you if and only if you are self-determined to do so.
The principles of God may seem hard to comply with, but they are definitely not impossible to follow. They are not for the fainthearted nor the weak or the lukewarm, they are for those who want to make Heaven; the strong, brave and self-determined. To follow His standards of living is not by mere profession but by actions. A lot are professing God with their mouths but their hearts are worshipping the devil. Only those who are truly determined in their hearts to follow Him in Christ Jesus can truly keep to His standards of living. To be self-determined simply means you are able to make decisions by yourself, for yourself, without the interference of others – you don’t depend on other’s ideas or thoughts nor do you allow them to affect yours.
This world is truly evil and corrupt and all who live by the principles of this world may enjoy here on earth but suffer forever in eternity. Only those who are self-determined in Christ, those who have made up their minds to live outside the principles of the world, will inherit Heaven. This set of people may experience pain and torture here on earth, but they will enjoy forever in eternity. So, a holy life is very important. Trust me, living and maintaining a holy lifestyle won’t be easy in a corrupt world like this. You need to make the decision to know all the principles of holiness in Christ and to follow them without hesitation. Whether it’s prayer, fasting, reading God’s word, working for God, abstaining from ungodly items, do all without being told, that is what it means to be self-determined. You don’t wait for anyone to encourage you, you encourage yourself, you push yourself to pray, fast and do other things to remain Holy.
Jesus Christ, while on earth was a man of self-determination – Matthew 14vs23; “And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone”. All He needed to do, be it prayer or fasting, He did without be reminded or forced. He was self-determined in His heart to do them no matter the obstacles. So the same quality is required of you if you want to truly be holy like Him. No matter who forces you or advises you to be Holy, you can never attained holiness in Christ if you haven’t been determined in your heart to do so. So the decision to be Holy lies in your hands. If you are not self-determined, if you are not conscious enough to know what you need to do at the same right time, if you are not diligent enough to work towards it, if you are not steady enough to maintain it, then I’m sorry to tell, you cannot live a holy life to the glory of God. Please, be self-determined and be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
Nwajiaku Charles Chinonso (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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