A sheep according to Matthew 25vs31-46 is anyone who takes part in the real works of God. Those who are active in the works of God are regarded as sheep in Heaven, but according to Jesus’ statement in John 10vs27, not all sheep (people into the works of God) are His. In John 10vs27, He said; “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”. Here, Jesus Christ said that all His sheep hear His voice when He speaks, that is to say, they are obedient to the Voice of their Shepherd, Jesus Christ. When He says ‘sit’, they sit and when He says ‘stand’, they stand. This simply means doing the works of God alone doesn’t qualify you as a sheep of Christ but obeying every of His Words for your life. Yes! you may be a sheep, but not Shepherded by Jesus Christ and once Jesus Christ is not your Shepherd, then it means you belong to another shepherd.
To be a sheep of Christ, you must be able to recognize and follow every of His Voice, you must be totally obedient to the Voice of God through Jesus Christ. Everything Jesus Christ asked us to do, must be your daily routine if truly you want Him to recognize you as His sheep.
Many of us claim to be devoted children of God, but we don’t follow the Voice of Jesus Christ but rather follow our own instinct, ideas and experiences about life – Proverbs 28vs26; “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered”. The Voice of Christ is wisdom and those who follow exactly what it says are called wise. The righteous Shepherd, Jesus Christ has given so many instructions to us, how many do you hear and follow? If you follow some and abandon the rest, you are not worthy to be His sheep. Only those who follow all He has said are called His sheep. He asked us not to swear at all, no matter the circumstance – Matthew 5vs34-37, He asked us to love God with our whole hearts, minds and spirit – Matthew 22vs37, He asked us to love our neighbours (those who love us and those who hate us) – Matthew 22vs39, Matthew 5vs44 and so many others. How many of them do you follow? How can you disobey these simple instructions given to you by your Shepherd, Jesus Christ and you still expect Him to recognize you as His own?
Know this now, the final home of the Shepherd will surely be the final home of the sheep that follow him. Those sheep whose shepherd is satan, they will join him in hell, the final abode after the Judgement of Christ, but those sheep of Jesus Christ will enjoy eternal life with Him in paradise forever, which is the everlasting dwelling Place of God. Whose sheep are you? Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
Nwajiaku Charles Chinonso (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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