Looking at the image overlaid below, you will agree with me that the confidence that made them decide to go on the vehicle into those lion’s territory wasn’t God but the iron cage holding them against the attacks of the fierce lions. I know that they wouldn’t have decided to go into the lions’ residence without the strong fitted iron cage (their confidence), even though a Voice from Heaven says they should. This shows a practical example of how we humans often show so much confidence in the things God created than the Creator Himself. Some of us have much confidence in doctors than God who gives the healing. Some of us on drugs than God who provided the resources of the drugs. Some of us have so much confidence in power than God who gives power to whosoever He wants. Some of us have much confidence in various material things than God who made them available and some have so much confidence in the voice of a man than the Voice of God that has sovereignty over every other voice. Why? Because we do not see God great and capable enough to heal us, bless us, redeem us, rescue us and to save us.
The question before us all is; ‘Where does our confidence to survive in this world lies’? Is it in God or in the things created by God? Psalms 20vs7-8 says; “Some trust in chariots and others in horses, but we depend on the LORD our God. They will fall down, but we will stand firm”. So, if your confidence to survive in this world lies in institutions, material things, earthly constituents other than God, then be reminded that you will eventually collapse, fail and fall. Please, put your confidence in God in the course of your survival on this earth till death and return of Our Saviour Jesus Christ – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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