IGHO UFUOMA MARVELOUS: Praise God! Glory be to God to be here on Comfort’s Desk again. Today’s discussion on the desk is “WHAT YOU SOW IS WHAT YOU SHALL REAP”. So, what does the phrase ‘Sowing And Reaping’ means? To sow is to plant seeds while to reap is to harvest what is sown. Throughout Scriptures, sowing is used as a metaphor for one’s actions and reaping for the results of such actions. The Biblical meaning of this phrase comes from a passage in Galatians 6vs7-8, telling you and me that if we sow good seed we shall have good harvest and if we sow bad seeds, we shall equally have bad harvest in time and eternity.
GAFFORD FAVOUR: Yes, living is seeding. The way or manner you live your life is the seed you are sowing because for every action or act is a seed that is definitely going to bring a harvest. The Bible in Galatians 6vs7-8 says; “Do not be deceived. God will not be made a fool. For a person will reap what he sows, because the person who sows to his own flesh will reap corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows to the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit.” Now, the question is what does it mean to sow to the flesh? To sow to the flesh simply means to gratify the desires of the flesh. In other words, whenever we practice unforgiveness, hatred, lies, commit murder, adultery, fornication, fraud, corruption, misrule, misjudge, sexual immoralities and the likes, we are sowing to the flesh which we shall reap in time and eternity.
OKPAGA COMFORT NKECHIYERE: Yes, knowing what it means to sow to the flesh, there is also need to know what it means to sow to the spirit. We sow to the spirit if we live in total obedience to God’s Words and if we do this, it will continually increase the Spirit’s influence in our lives. Sowing to the spirit also means allowing the Holy Spirit to have His way in us. I mean;
1. To walk by the Spirit – Galatians 16
2. To be led by the Spirit – Galatians 5vs18
3. To be filled with the Spirit – Ephesians 5vs18
4. To abide in Christ Jesus – John 15vs7
5. To walk in Christ continually – Colossians 2vs6
6. To set one’s mind on the things above and not on earthly things –Colossians 3vs2
7. Giving one’s body as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, and not being conformed to this world, but being transformed by the renewing of one’s mind that he may prove what the Will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect – Romans 12vs1-2.
Therefore, if we do sow to the Spirit, then it is certain we shall reap everlasting life, which is eternity in Heaven.
NWAJIAKU CHARLES CHINONSO: In conclusion, as we can see that sowing to the Spirit is our assured approach towards the salvation of our souls and the souls of others. Those who wish to enjoy life here and hereafter must begin to sow to the Spirit because it is only through this that we can reap blessings, success, progress, breakthrough, goodwill and above all salvation. Those who choose to sow into the flesh will reap nothing but problems, chaos, regrets, torments and worst of all damnation in hell without no means of escape.
It is important for us to know that we can never successfully sow into the Spirit if we do not have the only Son of God, Jesus Christ. The question now is, who is Jesus Christ to you? Have you accepted Him as your Lord and personal Saviour? If yes, then continue in Him (Jesus Christ), and ensure to continually sow to the Spirit, but if no is the case, then consecrate yourself to Him (Jesus Christ) now and follow all His instructions and commands, because without Jesus Christ, sowing to the Spirit is impossible and I pray that as we all hearken unto this wonderful message, the grace of sowing to the spirit will preserve us here on earth till we find ourselves where we belong, which is in Heaven in Jesus Christ name, amen. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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