In Matthew 16vs18-19 the Jesus Christ says to Peter; “And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church and not even death will ever be able to overcome it. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; what you prohibit on earth will be prohibited in Heaven, and what you permit on earth will be permitted in Heaven”.
In real sense, for us to be able to receive the kingdom keys also, there are some attributes and qualities we must possess. We must have love for the Kingdom, I mean to do anything for the Kingdom’s sake. We must also be willing to know more about the Kingdom and carry out the Kingdom tasks, even if it will take our precious time and resources without complaining or grumbling just as Matthew 25vs35-38 explained some of the Kingdom tasks by providing for the needy, clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, taking care of those in distress etc. Peter also had much of these attributes in him and with the grace of God, He was privileged to be considered by Jesus Christ.
Take note, Kingdom keys are keys that open the doors to breakthrough, healing, blessing, progress, deliverance, success and so on. For us to have the Kingdom keys, we need no other that Jesus Christ in us in truth and in faith. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John14vs6
. . . God Cares!

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