To possess spiritual knowledge simply means that one is knowledgeable about God’s true principles of life. It means that one has a full knowledge of God on every matter. Our Lord Jesus Christ was of pure divine spiritual knowledge, He knew all that He was meant to know about God and hence He was able to speak the mind of God perfectly on every issue and matter brought before Him.
As followers of Christ, we are expected to spread the good news of God’s Kingdom, but there’s no way we can accomplish if we have no spiritual knowledge of divine things because carnal, worldliness or physical knowledge can’t be used to explain the ideas of Heaven. Those who teach with such a flawed knowledge are bound to preach the wrong things. Once you know all you are rightly expected to know about God, then you are bound to speak the His mind perfectly to others. The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus Christ seeking a sign of the end time in Matthew 16vs1-4, they were definitely lacking spiritual knowledge because as teachers of the law they were supposed to have known all these. Since they didn’t know these, Jesus Christ called them false teachers; hypocrites who pretended to be knowledgeable teachers but were not. False teachers like these who lack spiritual knowledge in our present days will definitely teach the world what God does not support like; pray for your enemies to die, lie to save a life, masturbation is good for your health, if your family members are killed, kill the murderers too and so on. These are false teachers because they are not of divine spiritual knowledge as their doctrines become false in the sight of God.
Divine Spiritual knowledge of the things of God is highly important for every Christian who teaches the world about God. It helps to speak the mind of God perfectly, it helps to keep the tongue from saying idle and destructive words, it gives us the pure ideas of Heaven that are not written in the Bible. Those who teach without divine spiritual knowledge are said to be false teachers and those who follow their false teachings are false followers as they all shall perish with their false god (satan) in hell. Please, disregard teachings that are not of Jesus Christ and be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6
. . . God Cares!

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