A channel is a route to the source of something. For one to be a channel, it simply means that others can get what they need or get to places they desire through you. If you are a channel then people can possess their hearts desires through you.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was a channel in His time. Through Him, the people around received what were needed. Those seeking deliverance, freedom, sight and so on were able to receive it through Him. He was well known for this. In Matthew 15vs29-31, we see how so many people with various ailments were brought to Him. They knew that He was the right Channel to the source of what they needed and they were right. As followers of Christ, we are expected to be a channels for others as well. The problems surrounding the people around us is much, that as faithful Christians, we are to be channels through which they get solutions to their problems. Poverty is one of the problems eating up people around us today, we can stop this by trying in our little ways to support the poor. Jesus Christ was never a mocker of the poor nor did He ever turn a blind eye to their cries. At every given chance He got, He supported the poor. Those who worship God are expected to be like His son, Jesus Christ – a lover and supporter of the poor. God has blessed many of us with riches for the sake of helping others out of their poverty. When God blesses you, you are not to raise your standard of living rather to raise your standard of giving. Let people know you for your generous nature in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ was known to be a good Channel through which the multitudes received that which they desired. The poor around you desire riches, why not be that channel through which they receive it. Helping the poor is an indirect manner of helping Christ Himself and trust me, Christ will definitely reward all who help Him. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6
. . . God Cares!

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