Satan identification number (SIN) refers to those characters and lifestyles which can be clearly seen in you and could be used to identify you as a child of Satan. They are these behaviours which when you have them could be used to identify you as one with Satan.
A good example of these visible lifestyle people possess which can be used to identify them as a child of satan is the constant use of careless and idle words. The kind of words you use daily can be used to tell of whose nature you belong to, God or Satan. Using negative words, words that lack blessing and purpose and those who also enjoy backbiting, slandering and using their mouths to kill others are just identifying themselves as one with the Satan. All these careless words are Satan identification number (SIN). Jesus clearly stated in Matthew 12vs36 that; “I tell you that on the Day of Judgment, people will give an account for every worthless word they speak.” So, those uttering words that do not edify with God, will definitely being identified with the devil (Satan) and their final home will be hell if they fail to repent before death or the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Worshipping idols is another very good example of Satan identification number (SIN). Those who have and worship graven images most definitely are not God’s people, they have their identity with the devil. With this nature alone, others can tell you are of the evil one (Satan) because you have made no place for God in you. Likewise, those who choose and love materials things more than God Himself, are also guilty of idolatry. Some materials things many adore and love more than God in Heaven have become gods to them. Hence other things have been replaced in the proper place for God in their hearts. Such a set of people carry Satan identification number (SIN) in them. A few of Satan identification number (SIN) I have mentioned, a lot I haven’t mentioned but what I want to tell you is this, whosever carries Satan identification number (SIN) in them will never be identified with Christ on the final day, their end will be with their master Satan in hell. Do away with every evil identification number now otherwise it will bring you straight down to the pit of hell and Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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