Why do someone believe that there is nothing beyond the grave? I tell you, there is something beyond the grave! If you die right now, you will find yourself probably in a place where you have the greatest shock you can ever imagined. Some of us don’t believe there is Heaven or hell, as some have been told that a man dies like a dog and there is nothing beyond the grave, nothing could further from the dead. The Bible isn’t trying to prove anything to you, but simply makes statements of fact. I, Marvelous can see beyond the grave.
If you die without Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you will lift your eyes falling in the pit, you will be falling all long down, down, down into the pit of hell. It will be the greatest shock you have ever had in you life because you never believed that hell exist. If you think that life goes on and on, it has a big surprise for you, you will come down to the end of life someday – some quicker than others, some only few years, some minutes but the fact is – Hebrews 9vs27 says; “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment”.
For the Scripture confirms that there is second death, the second death is the death of the soul identity, it’s the death of the person, within the person, death of who you are, it takes you to a place your identity is gone.
There is something that lies beyond the grave which is Judgement – Ecclesiastes 12vs14; “For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil” and anyone who doesn’t believe, or one who believes without doing the needful to be saved will eventually find himself or herself in trouble. Be warned and be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 16vs6.
Igho Ufuoma Marvelous (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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