I remember vividly a certain day I was checking messages on my WhatsApp and a message dropped which happened to be a voice note. I played it and I got the entire message. To summarize the whole message, the note says, OSINACHI NWACHUKWU that sang ‘EKWUEME’ who died of recent was found in hell. After listening to the message very well, nothing could have made me not to forward it since the voice says it was a revelation but I didn’t forward it because of what I learnt in Matthew 16vs13-16 where Jesus Christ gathered His disciples and He asked them who people did say He was. Some of Jesus’ disciples responded saying; He was John the Baptist, some say He was Jeremiah, others said He was Elijah and others said one of the prophets. Jesus Christ then asked His disciples their own opinion about who He was and Simon Peter responded saying, “You are Christ the Messiah, the Son of the living God”. Immediately after Simon Peter’s response, Jesus Christ called him blessed and noted very clear in His statement that his response was not revealed to him by man but by His Father in Heaven. The other disciples could have spoken also but they didn’t because it wasn’t revealed to them I guess. Assuming God did not reveal it to him (Simon Peter), he would have likewise been mute like the other disciples too. I learnt here that if God has not revealed anything to me, then it is good I don’t say anything of my own.
Now, if someone claims he or she receives a revelation from God concerning anyone either for good or bad, it is not very good for anyone to leverage on what the person says without knowing from God if truly He speaks on the subject matter and start to act in line. This is where many of us get it wrong as we join anyone who claims to receive revelation from God to condemn others, judge others or call people names without hearing or receiving personally from God.
As people who care for the salvation of their souls, we shouldn’t do anything without God’s revelation on subject matter of this kind. We shouldn’t assume or try to do anything when God has not spoken to us. We shouldn’t call any man who claims to be called by God fake due to his behavior when God has not said such to us. We shouldn’t judge when God is yet to judge. If God showed other people, wait for Him to show you before you start to speak and not to leverage on the view of someone so that you don’t bring problems upon yourself on the Day of Judgement when you shall appear before His Judgement Throne. Has God revealed to you that such person is in hell? Please, let us be careful because Judgement lies here too. Don’t talk when God is yet to speak because you may endanger you salvation in this area. Please, stay safe on this and be reminded that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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