God sets goals for establishing what He wanted in the universe for six days. Everything He created each day, He received and saw that it was good. At the end of day six, God saw everything He had made and said it was very good indeed – Genesis 1 & 2.
After all, God rested on the six days of busy creation activities, as He has also built rest into all He has made, humans and animals – Exodus 20vs8-11. As humans we are also meant to do our work given to us by God as expected so that we can have good rest. When I mean work, I am not saying your job you are being paid for by someone but the one assigned unto you by God (your purpose for being created).
In John 9vs4 Jesus Christ said; “I must do the work of Him that sent me when it’s day, night is coming when no man can work”. The reason why God rested was because He was through successfully with His Work. Jesus Christ also rested as well because He was through successfully with His Work.
As humans we need to know that if we fail to do the work God has set before us and finish it successfully, then it is likely there is not going to be rest for us. Now, how sure are you that when night (death) comes, you will indeed rest?
Please, work well by doing what God actually wants you to do so that you can have a good rest (saved) when everything is over. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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