A question for you; how could a tree be occupying a space on the earth without usefulness when it is expected to? This is exactly what happened in Mathew 21vs18-20. At that exact time the fig tree was expected to bear grapes because it was its season, Jesus Christ came to it hoping to find some grapes but found none and He commanded it to wither and it dried up immediately. Why such a command? Simple, the fig tree wasn’t serving the purpose for taking some basic needs for survival like air, water, nutrients from the ground and therefore, it had to be disconnected from its basic need of survival for serving no purpose.
As humans we are likened to the fig tree. There are certain things we are created to do individually and at a specific time to carry them out and once we aren’t meeting or serving such purposes, then we may be disconnected from God who is our basic need for survival; making us like living dead and once this happens we become useless. This is to tell us that delay in carrying out the purpose of God for our lives may be dangerous as it may lead to our total or complete destruction.
In summary, let us be useful to God at every point He wants us to by bearing good fruits as these determines our fruitfulness in life so that we don’t get disconnected from Him here and hereafter – Luke 3vs9; “The axe is ready to cut down the tree at the roots; every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire”. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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