Where does your beauty lie? Many have a notion that the beauty of their lives lies in their skills, qualifications, wealth, physique etc., but I want us to know that all these listed above do not make life beautiful and fulfilling as they are perishable and unsatisfying.
King Solomon attested to this fact. Yes, nobody enjoyed wisdom, pleasure and wealth like king Solomon did but he still find beauty and fulfilment in them as he declared; ‘vanity upon vanity, all is vanity’ – Ecclesiastes 8vs8. He then summed up in his words by admonishing us to fear God because he realized that true beauty, happiness, fulfilment, without sorrow lies only in God alone.
No sinner ever repented found fulfilment in the pleasures of the world except in God. Ask the prodigal son and he would tell you that the beauty of life lies not in the pleasures of sin rather in Jesus Christ as He leads you into fulfilment of your purpose in life – 1 John 5vs12.
What are you looking for to feel fulfilled? The answer lies in Christ Jesus alone because He only can beautify us inwardly and outwardly; grooming us into His living spirit as we change into His marvelous light and in turn radiate to the world for His glory and this what makes life beautiful, fulfilling and worth living indeed.
If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, I want to say a big congratulations to you and if you haven’t, accept Him into your life, please do so today because true beauty lies only in Him and be reminded again that this same Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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