Hypocrites are those who don’t do what they preach or a person who pretends to have virtues or qualities that he or she does not have. They act as if they are doing the right thing on the outside whereas they are opposite on the inside.
Jesus Christ talked about such people in Matthew 23vs14-39; pointing to teachers of the law who poisoned peoples’ hearts and make them act contrary to God’s expectations. These same people today tell you to do things not pleasing to God but may be satisfying to your fleshy desires. Jesus Christ said though they are teachers of the law but they’re snakes who poison people’s good nature. They don’t add importance to the things of God, their words are idle and often times destructive. Even when they have the grace to repent, they oftentimes refuse because they are enjoying the ungodly state of life.
Jesus Christ further said that what lies ahead of anyone with such nature without repentance is no other than destruction – Matthew 23vs38. Please stop being an hypocrite because it is highly destructive, thereby bringing total destruction to your life here and hereafter. Let us continue to stay focused on Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him with no nature of hypocrisy – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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