Jesus Christ in Matthew 25vs32-46 gave an imagery picture about the Judgement Day. A day where all that had ever lived from the beginning to the end of time will stand before the Lamb’s Throne and He shall separate them into two grand classes – ‘The Sheep’ and ‘the Goats’. The sheep to be on His right hand indicating acceptance and the Goats on the left indicating rejection. He further said the Sheep would be those who fed Him when He was hungry, gave Him water when He was thirsty, provided Him lodging when He was homeless, clothing when He was naked and comfort when He was sick or imprisoned which must be done in all righteousness, holiness and purity of heart.
Here, Jesus Christ is teaching us that we are called to help the needy; we are bound in the bundle of living under God’s care and should not ignore the plight of other’s sufferings, hunger, thirst, nakedness, homelessness or imprisonment around us. The yardstick of the saved (the sheep) is their concern for the needy to the glory of God. Though we aren’t saved by works of charity but if the Lord’s teaching about the final Judgement is taking seriously more may hang on our charity than we realize.
You don’t necessarily need to have enough to help the needy, your little resources can go a long way to save souls. Please touch someone’s life for good because anytime you show compassion to the needy you invariably do for your own advantage. Also, let us continue to stay focused on Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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