Scripture made us to understand that Jesus Christ always spoke in parables to the crowds and afterward explained to His disciples the meaning. Parables are pregnant words that needs divine knowledge to unveil which is revealed only to those who seek God diligently.
In Mark 4vs1-20, Jesus Christ told a parable of the sower who went out to sow seeds. Here, the sower is Jesus Christ, the seed is the word of God, while the soil are humans. He also explained the four set of human and their responses to God’s Word – the ones who hear God’s Word without understanding, the one who embrace God’s word without any conviction or root in themselves, the ones who get carried away by the cares of the world and finally the ones who bear fruits. Why is the last different from others? It is because of resilient, faith, determination, productivity and the like.
As believers, when we come to the knowledge of God’s Word, we shouldn’t be idle doing nothing with it rather we should work by it because faith without work is dead. The rest of the seeds got destroyed by different factors, and we are expected not to be like them but to be productive and to stand out through the fruits we bear as this is God’s expectation from us as His children.
I pray the Lord bless His Word in the midst of our hearts in Jesus name, amen. Please, let us keep our focus on Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
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