Yes, Mark 6vs14-29 tells us how our truth should always be truth. In this Bible passage, I got to know that the truth is more better than telling lies. John the Baptist stood on the ground of truth even when he knew it was going to cost his life and it indeed took his life.
To this, I want us to know that the beginning is not as important as the end. How you end on earth matters a lot. John the Baptist died speaking the truth, he didn’t compromise. Same is expected from us as children of God. It is certain we will come across circumstances in life in our journey that might want us to compromise but we shouldn’t do that so that our end won’t be awful.
The. Bible says in Ecclesiastes 7vs8 that; “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof . . .” What you do at the end of life matters more than the beginning. Your life is not beauty at the beginning as much as at the end. Your salvation is not guaranteed at the beginning but at the end.
My people how we end our lives matters a lot. Please end with Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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