The heart of a man is very important to God for it’s where God sentences everything about him. Our heart is a reflection of who we are on the outside. For instance, we can know if a man’s heart is right with God or not through his characters and actions. Yes, it’ll definitely show in his words, appearance, subconsciousness and so on.
As it’s impossible for an apple tree to produce an orange, so also a heart occupied with sin cannot produce anything righteous. In order words, when we lie, cheat, fornicate, engage in immoralities and the like, we are reflecting and manifesting what’s in our hearts. If you have a bad heart everything that will spring out of you will be bad as well thereby making you defiled before God – Mark 7vs14-23.
It is hypocritical to say our hearts are in a right stand with God when our actions are contrary. A spirit filled heart will show itself on the outward because we are exact reflection of what’s in our hearts. If there is ungodliness in your words, actions, appearance and the like, it only shows the reflection of the content of your heart and such won’t be fit for the kingdom of God.
Please, take note that when your is house the Words of God, you are one with God and if your heart house the deeds of wickedness, you are likewise of the devil which is dangerous for your salvation.
I pray God bless this message in the midst of our hearts in Jesus Christ name, amen. As you keep your safe, keep your focus on this same Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
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