When you are under temptation, you might feel an intense pressure to do something you shouldn’t as the devil or the flesh would entice you through eloquent words, money, worldly or material things into sin. It’s our great task to apply all diligence so that we do not fall into such temptation.
In Matthew 4vs1-11, Jesus Christ was tempted, but with the Words of God, He overcame. Jesus Christ was tempted in all forms yet He was without sin, that means He triumphed. Jesus Christ had victory over the devil in the wilderness when he came to tempt Him with food, power display and worldly glory. So, who told you, you can’t.
Jesus Christ made it clear to us that since He was tempted, we all shall be tempted in one way or the other. As Jesus Christ used the Word of God to triumph over the temptation of the devil, you also can with the same Word to overcome any challenging situation.
Now, how can you overcome avoidable temptations when you are not grounded very well in God’s Word? This is where the problem lies. Please, get yourself to live in the Word of God and the Word of God to live in you so that you can always put the devil where he belongs and as you do, continue to keep your focus on this same Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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