The journey to the Kingdom of God is indeed not fun and game. Jesus Christ informed us before hand that it’s a road that entails challenges of every sort; and only few tread on it – Matthew 7vs13-14.
The disciples of Jesus Christ were greatly persecuted and lost their lives for the gospel of Christ with the confidence they would gain it back. However, it’s alarming that many believers are already taking their hands off the plough due to the challenges revolving around them for the sake of the gospel. Many are already denying and rejecting Jesus Christ in order to save their lives, valuable possession and to blend with the world. Jesus Christ knew this would happen at the close of the age and that’s what we see happening right now. What a tragedy! However, He warns us against the danger of gaining all at His expense in Matthew 16vs25 – “For whosoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”.
My people, if you save your life, possession, career, ambition and so on denying or rejecting Christ as a result of the challenges around you today, you may lose all here and hereafter. This message is not to discourage or scare you but to encourage you not to compromise to sin in order to save yourself against God’s nature, Will and desire, for it profits a man nothing if he gains the world at the expense of his soul.
In summary, it is better to be an enemy of the world than to be an enemy of God. Though it may never be easy, but its fulfilling and as you resolute to follow Jesus Christ till the end. I pray God strengthen us to finish well in Jesus Name. Keep this in mind to continue to keep your steady focus on this Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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