Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 11vs31 says; “If we would examine ourselves, we would not come under God’s Judgement”. What does it mean to examine oneself? For examine, if you miss it by walking in disobedience to God, say to the Lord, ‘I didn’t walk according to Your Will in that situation. God, forgive me’. And if need be for restitution you do it. That is what it means to judge oneself. No wonder David was a man after God’s heart. He would always examine himself whenever he derailed from God’s Will – Psalm 51. Often folks judge others who don’t follow God’s leading for their lives but never pay attention to the little sin in their lives which was not what Jesus Christ preached – Matthew 7vs1-5. First examine yourself (conducts) worthy and pure so that when you correct your neighbour you don’t found guilty of sin.
You see, God has our best interest at heart too; and He’ll take His stand with you sometimes if you are persisting in wrongdoing and you don’t judge yourself. He will try to show you your flaws because He wants you to follow His plans for your life. But if you’re going to persist in wrongdoing and not judge yourself, sooner or later, God is going to judge you, a judgement you wouldn’t like to experience. Therefore, if you miss God’s leading or Will for your life go before Him and examine yourself so that you don’t fall into His judgement. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John14vs6
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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