JESUS CHRIST: Why do you often commit adultery?
ME: No sir! I don’t even have sexual intercourse with opposite gender as you might have thought sir.
JESUS CHRIST: This is not what I thought, it’s what I see you do often.
ME: Sir, you are speaking ill me which I see not good coming from your kind of person sir.
JESUS CHRIST: Alright, you say you don’t have sexual intercourse with opposite gender but you sexually lust after them in your heart. That is what I see you do often – Matthew 5vs28; “But I tell you, everyone who looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart”.
ME: Yes I do sir, but it’s not as having the sex in reality sir.
JESUS CHRIST: Now, if you don’t know I tell you that you are as much same as one who does it in reality. Do you understand?
ME: I can’t believe this! How? Without having the sex practically?
JESUS CHRIST: Please do believe because on the day of Judgement, same proportion of punishment shall be accorded to both and once you are found guilty, nothing else you see other than eternal ruin.
ME: This is unbelievable but anyway noted sir.
JESUS CHRIST: Thank you for your understanding and hope to see you soon in God’s Kingdom.
ME: Thank you sir, I will do the needful sir and I pray God’s mercy and grace see me through.
JESUS CHRIST: You see, salvation is not up to God neither is it all up to you. Do yours and leave the rest for God. Yours is to obey His instructions while His is to fulfill what He has promised.
ME: Thank you sir. I will.
JESUS CHRIST: I will be glad to see you do this.
ME: Definitely I will sir.
. . . God Cares!

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