JESUS CHRIST: Hello! Have you heard of what I said in Matthew 5vs29 that if your right eye causes you to sin, you should remove it and throw it away?
ME: Hmmmm yes sir! But how do you expect this to be done?
JESUS CHRIST: It is as simple as the way I said it.
ME: But sir, You know that the eye is very important to the entire body, why do You want me to specifically remove my eye and throw it away because of sin?
JESUS CHRIST: I didn’t just mention that part of the body, but I said if that part of the body causes you to sin, take note ‘sin’, then remove it and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell where there is everlasting anguish.
ME: This is serious!
JESUS CHRIST: Yes, it is serious because if you don’t cut off from whatever that makes you sin before your time on earth expires, it will definitely cause you to be thrown into hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth forever.
ME: Oh, You mean I should disengage myself form whatsoever that causes me to sin?
JESUS CHRIST: Yes exactly, no matter how dearly; job, business, friend, desire, career, organization, Pastor, Prophet, Bishop, spouse, name it.
ME: What about if it were to be my mother because I love her so much and dearly?
JESUS CHRIST: None is excluded.
ME: Hmmmmm [Sigh].
JESUS CHRIST: Take note of this that I’ve called your attention to and make sure that you do the needful for the salvation of your soul.
ME: Thank you sir, but my major concern is my mother because she is so dear to me.
JESUS CHRIST: I will conclude by saying this, if you want to be saved, do what I have told you now (disengage from whatsoever that makes you sin) because if you don’t, you are gradually slipping into everlasting punishment. Thank you for your time.
ME: Thank you too sir.
. . . God Cares!

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