The word tomorrow is uncertain, it may or may not exist. I want us to know something very important, yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery while today is an opportunity. Yes, it is an opportunity! I mean it’s an opportunity to do so many things especially those things that will bring us salvation. Many at times, people create silly excuses whenever the message of repentance is preached. They have a notion that it’s not needful now but sometimes in the future and other at times they would say that it is until they’ve achieved one thing or the other that is when they would repent of sin.
However, I want us to note something very important. If we decide to repent in the future at a time that may seem convenient for us, it may be too late and that was why Jesus Christ instructed us to always be ready for He shall come at an hour we do not expect – Matthew 24vs44; “Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect”. This is to tell us that we need to do the needful for the salvation of our souls at every given instance of time. Jesus Christ is calling us to repent now so that we always move into the future, I mean tomorrow saved.
In conclusion, Jesus Christ wants us to repent now, change now and believe in the Gospel now not tomorrow but today because tomorrow may be too late. I pray that tomorrow may not be too late for us to repent and be saved in Jesus Christ Name, amen Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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