Everything big you see around today starts small. This is the divine system of creation. The fact and reality of life remains, you must start little to become big or great.
Many of us have been given great vision, dreams and ideas by God and we are killing these vision, dreams and ideas by refusing to start little, waiting for more convenient time, more resources, more finances, more strength, more followers and so on before we start.
The strength and ability for some to start little also have been shattered because someone somewhere talk them out of their vision and dreams – killing the strength in them to start little. Some people somewhere are good in destroying vision and dreams as they picture to you more of your weaknesses than your strength, telling you that; ‘you can’t do it now’, ‘you are not good enough’, ‘don’t start now’, ‘still wait for a while’, you are too young’ and so on whereas God is waiting to see you in action. Yes, this doesn’t say you shouldn’t seek for counsel or reject counsel in Christ Jesus. But in all, to start that dream, vision or task, it should come from within you with self-determination to bring out the picture of what God wants to see from the vision, dreams and task He has given you.
Don’t allow any internal or external factor to stop you from bringing to reality what God has placed in your mind and most especially when He has approved you to go.
Remember, before He says ‘go’, He has provided already the ability you need. Please, encourage yourself if no one does and bring the expectations of God to reality over the dream, vision, idea and task He has given you.
Now, what are you waiting for when God says ‘go’. Please go and start. To those who have started, keep going in Christ Jesus.
Once again I say this, ‘everything big starts small’. Praise God! Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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