It is very easy to get to a destination when you know the right channel or route that leads there. After reading through Matthew 15vs29-31, I got to understand very well why people rushed to Jesus Christ during His earthly mission. I got the clear understanding and picture that they found Jesus Christ to be the perfect Channel they needed to go through in order for them to get what they needed – Jesus Christ being the perfect Channel to get all their problems solved.
Also, I understood that some people who wanted to be forgiven of their wrongdoings also went to Him likewise as the perfect Channel to receive forgiveness. The reason why these people went to Jesus Christ was because they knew they would definitely receive forgiveness through Him. The question comes to you my brothers and sisters; are you channels of forgiveness? Do you forgive people who offend you and let go of the past? Remember what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6vs14 that; “For if you forgive men their trespasses your Heavenly Father will also forgive you also”. You see, if you don’t forgive others, how do you expect God Almighty to forgive you as referenced to this statement of Jesus Christ? 1 Peter 2vs21 admonishes us to follow the steps of Jesus Christ and if we truly want to receive God’s forgiveness, then we need to live to forgive others no matter what they’ve against us. Remember, even at the Cross Jesus Christ still exercised forgiveness towards those who never deserved it as He said in Matthew 18vs21 that; “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”. This is exactly the nature of life that Jesus Christ expects us to live.
In summary, let us be channels of forgiveness where there is unforgiveness for the sake of our salvation and the salvation of others. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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