Jesus Christ, during His earthly ministry was of this same exact Channel to the people. Through Him, people were able to receive needs of great desires. In the same manner, Jesus Christ expects all who follow Him to emulate this nature – John 14vs12; “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father”. It is His will for all His devoted children to be channels in this manner through which others can get things of great needs of life.
As you can see all over the world, even in our various localities, there are a lot of people suffering from various lack – lack of food, clothing, shelter, clean water supply, finances etc. as many of us are in good positions to meet these needs.
I recall from the Scripture when the multitude were with Jesus Christ in the wilderness and they became hungry, Jesus took it upon Himself to feed them all – Matthew 14vs 13-21; 15vs 32-39. Yes, we can do the same for our fellow brothers and sisters who are in need of one thing or the other. You can be that channel through which they acquire something of great need to survive. Be reminded indeed that givers who give to the glory of God do so more for the salvation of their souls, because he who gives to the poor gives to the LORD and He will repay him for his deeds – Proverbs 19vs17. Please, let us be channels of provision where there is lack for our salvation and for the salvation of others as a great reward awaits all who do and be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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