One of the greatest means of identifying someone’s culture or way of life is dressing (appearance). Dressing speaks a lot about one’s personality, belief and status in the society. It is the door to your life and what you stand for. The popular saying, “you are addressed the way you are dressed” defines this better.
As Christians we need to dress decently, not indecently. How is your wardrobe like dear Christians? Christians do have their dress codes to portray their belief in Christ Jesus and His teachings on holiness and moderation – Philippians 4vs5; “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” Why should a Christian dress like a prostitute or gangster? Why should a Christian dress partially naked or waywardly? A Christian is supposed to dress to represent Christ. Therefore, a Christian must look at the scriptures carefully to decide the content of his wardrobe for modest dressing. Crimes of passion such as rape are on the increase today globally, mostly due to improper dressing and this worsens the situation. Remember immodest dressing has a direct bearing of crime incitation, no matter how innocent the wearer may be. Faithful Christians must dress to the interest of Christ, especially to avoid becoming stumbling blocks. Remember, you are God’s dwelling place – 1 Corinthians 6vs19-20; “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.” The Lord’s place must be of good depiction. Our God is a holy God, His children must also be like Him also – 1 Peter 1vs16; “For it is written, Be holy, because I am holy”. Moderation must be a guiding principle in a Christian’s dressing. Anyone who dresses immodestly is not pleasing to God. Similarly, those who sag their trousers should repent. Why would you pull off your trousers and wear on your lap? This makes no sense please and you need to know that indecent dressing attracts displeasure. Please, dress properly? You can’t see a banker, lawyer or doctor in his or her sensible state putting their trousers over the lap all for fashion, impossible. Dress to please God and not the world. Keep your wardrobe well from immoral and indecent wears. Always dress in a way that will not hinder your entrance to the kingdom of God and never stock your wardrobe with indecent wears. Be reminded again that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life . . . – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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