Ephesians 4vs22 says; “So get rid of your old self encouragement, which made you love as you used to, the old self that was being destroyed by it deceitful desires”. In the world today, people find pleasures on living in the old self, the old self of sin. The Bible says; “Whoever commits sin is a slave to sin”. Why then allow your old self to overshadow you? Apostle Paul warns everyone to beware of sin, for it wages are deadly.
The old self has a nature that speaks and manipulates people’s mind. It tells you to keep the fire burning, meaning you shouldn’t repent but keep driving in its nature. It also tells that you’ve gone too far to go back, that the things you’ve done cannot be forgiven no matter what. Please, don’t be deceived by the voice of the old self, for its aim in your life is to see your destruction.
The new self which is created in God’s likeness is willing to come into your life if only you are ready to accept it. The Bible says; “And you must put on the newness, which is created in God’s likeness and reveals itself in true life that is upright and holy”. I am using this medium to tell you to get rid of the old self and put on the new self which is you in Christ Jesus for the salvation of your soul because this is what shows the beauty of your presence on earth. As you do, continue to keep your focus on Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
. . . God Cares!

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