In life the words we hear and accepts determines what we become. The words we hear either negative or positive will reflect in our daily lives. Some preachers teach words that the people of the world would want to hear rather than what God wants them to hear and these teachers are called false teachers. To this vein, Jesus Christ told us (believers) to be very careful of them so we don’t fall into the bait of destruction.
The reason why some people fall into the hands of false teachers is because they don’t seek to know the Word of God, so they easily get deceived. Words have so much effect on one’s mind and once it gets to you it may restructure you for good or for bad.
The Word of God is what we need to transform our lives and to keep us from falling into the hands of destructive ones. Therefore, get grounded in the Word of God by studying your Bible and always pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through as you engage yourself in it so that you can discern the lies of false teachers for the salvation of your soul and others.
I pray God bless this message in the midst of your heart in Jesus Christ name, amen. As you do, continue to stay focused on this same Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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