King Lysander said to himself; ‘I will make a test of pleasure and enjoy myself’. This he acted on to realize the true meaning of vanity. It was easy for him being a wealthy man endowed with power and authority over nations as he cheered his body with wine and concubines, made great works; built houses and planted vineyards for himself with beautiful gardens and parks holding all kinds of fruit trees and herds. In his pursuit for pleasure, he purchased several slaves and became possessor of their children.
Man’s desires according to economics are unstainable, king Lysander had so many possessions. Truly he didn’t deny his heart any pleasure be it good or bad, but in all he concluded that all was vanity and a striving after the wind as there was nothing to be gained under the sun. Vanity indeed!
Many today are like this king, pursuing the things of the world at the expense of something of great value. The world and its pleasures will vanish in a blink of an eye someday and your salvation will become of great importance to you very soon . Your earthly possession is never a ticket to Heaven but only when you live your life in accordance to God’s expectations on earth. To this the preacher says; “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” – Ecclesiastes 12vs8.
Please, don’t get me wrong! Enjoying life is not a sin, not at the risk of your salvation. Giving priority to the pleasures of the world at the negligence of God’s expectations is striving after the wind which is total destruction. Don’t ever make the mistake of expensing your salvation for things that perishes here but strive after the things of the Kingdom that remain forever.
So, it’s to our interest to prioritize our salvation and God’s expectations than any other thing. Let us not strive after the wind but to strive after the Kingdom of God for the salvation of our souls and others. As we do, let us keep steady focus on this same Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth and the Life: that no one goes to God except through Him – John 14vs6.
GAFFORD FAVOUR (Active Member)
. . . God Cares!

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